Teaser Auf Spurensuche in Gesprächen


In Switzerland, one-third of all adults often feel stressed and one-quarter are in danger of suffering a burnout. This is no wonder, considering the growing demands that are now placed on us: our lives are dominated by time and performance pressure, the need to be permanently available, constant interruptions, reorganizations and job insecurity. I can help you to regain a sense of balance during chronic periods of stress and acute crises.


Our perception of stress is subjective. Through coaching, we can identify the individual factors that cause you stress. You will learn how to set clearer boundaries, address your own expectations and those of others, set different priorities and deal with energy thieves. You will also recognize the things that energize you and learn ways of relaxing and recuperating. Over the longer term, you will discover a practical way of dealing with stress and of achieving balance in your life.


Do you find it difficult to switch off? Do you have problems sleeping or do you feel powerless and have a sense of emptiness? Through coaching, we can develop strategies to help you cope more effectively with the professional or personal pressures that have driven you to your limits. You will discover your inner strength and gain a new perspective. If you have suffered a burnout and are returning to work, it is vital to have professional support. What is needed to ensure a successful reintegration? Which obstacles do you face? Now that you have regained a sense of balance, you will learn how to maintain it.


When you are experiencing an acute crisis, you lose all sense of perspective and can no longer see a way out – making it difficult to reach decisions. You feel unable to cope and this is often accompanied by a sense of anger, sadness, shock or fear. You feel abandoned and alone. Through coaching, you can obtain a new perspective, regain your strength and take control of your life again.


41% of people have a fear of public speaking. You may sleep very badly the night before a presentation – or your voice may falter and you may perspire heavily. Using mental training, we can work on improving your self-confidence. As a communications expert, I can also offer you specific advice on how to remain composed before making presentations – helping you to deliver the best possible performance.

Buch: Claudia Kraaz – Nachhaltig leistungsfähig bleiben
Nachhaltig leistungsfähig bleiben – Praxis-Tipps für den Business-Marathon

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